Wednesday, May 21, 2014

PirateBox at Google Play

After quite some testing PirateBox for Android is now available at Google Play.
Thanks a lot to all of you for testing. Special thanks goes to Skyworth S8 for testing and sending in lots of screen shots (see gallery below).

The APKs will also be published to Google Drive, so installation will be possible for devices without Goggle Apps.

In case of errors or if you would like to provide feedback, please send a mail to piratebox[at] or leave a comment below.


PirateBox at Google Play
APKs on Google Drive


  1. Working perfectly on rooted android netbook running 4.1.1 including redirect! Thanks for the update!

  2. have you thought of publishing on fdroid?

    1. From my side there are no plans to publish the app on other markets.
      APK downloads are also available if no Google Apps are installed on the device.

  3. I have an old Droid2, freshly rooted & Cyanogenmod'ed. Installed PirateBox out of Google Play, but when I run PirateBox, it stops at "Setting up networking, please wait..." with "ON" blinking, and never seems to get any farther. Wifi scanning from my laptop shows no sign of the PB AP. Any suggestions?

    1. The app uses the built-in WiFi tethering, so please check if standard WiFi Tethering is working. If that does not work, PirateBox will not come up.

  4. Hi !
    Tested with succes on my Nexys 4 and CyanogenMod 11 nightly \o/

    Congrats & thanks :)

  5. Thank you for this! Any chance for us to edit the main page or at least upload our own logo for personal use?

    1. You can change all the content:,9161,10895#msg-10895

  6. i tried on a allwinner a10 tablet (rooted - 4.0.4) and on an old htc chacha (rooted - 2.3.5). both installed from the playstore. stock android on both.

    i get --> unsupported device! backup for "dnsmasq" could not be created

    whass wrong am i doing?

    1. Thanks for testing!

      You are not doing anything wrong, there is a problem with some devices.
      See the following issue an GitHub:

      Can't explain why this is happening...

  7. Everything seems to be working after a bit of fiddling with hotspot settings and such. I assume that I'm not missing anything and that Kareha isn't included in the Android app, so are there any plans to include this at a later date? I'd be all over that.

    1. There is no forum functionality at the moment.

      First priority is to get the app stable, there are still some issues.
      Forum support will most likely require PHP and Perl. Both can be used, but would result in a very large app.

      So I haven't decided yet what to do. If you like you can open a discussion about that topic at the PIrateBox forum (

  8. It's a pity that the app actually can't be on the Android FOSS repository F-Droid... some jars can't be built from source code...


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